5 Tips To Help Yorkshire Women Shop Smarter For A Boudoir Photographer

I was very nervous when I arrived. My hair & makeup was amazing & they were fantastic in putting all my nerves aside & directing me through the shoot while they took pictures.

The hardest part is actually choosing which pics you like because they are all so great!

Made me feel like a confident supermodel

Are you considering a boudoir photoshoot in Yorkshire but feeling overwhelmed by the process of choosing the right photographer?

Don't worry, we’ve been specialising in Boudoir for 20 years so we’ve got you covered!
We work a little bit differently to most other Boudoir Photography Studios. At Madison Bou, we work with a limited number of clients each month who want the very best boudoir experience ...and are willing to pay for it.

When we started at the beginning of the millennium, Boudoir was very marginalised and few photographers were offering the service. Over time, more and more brides started requesting ‘sexy pictures’ but in our signature style, so that they could create a personal, intimate gift to their grooms on the wedding day. from Brides, it quickly grew into something that women asked for to celebrate other occasions like anniversaries, milestone birthdays, reaching a weight loss goal, recording new looks after cosmetic surgery and a plethora of other reasons.

Soon, the Boudoir side of the business completely overtook the Wedding side of the business and today we only do a few weddings from clients who know what we do and ask for our style specifically… 90% of what we do today is Boudoir so, hopefully, we have the experience and knowledge to help you make an informed decision in choosing your Boudoir Experience in Yorkshire.

Here are five top tips to help Yorkshire women shop smarter for a boudoir photographer:

Tip 1: Shop As If You’re Searching For A Wedding Dress:

Think about this for a second. Would you walk into a Bridal Shop and order the first dress you see with a discounted price? Of course not!

The problem is, we spend our whole lives looking for bargains, waiting for sales and Black Fridays and only buying if the ticket price has a percentage discount.

This is a huge problem when it comes to the really good things in life. If you want a pair of Christian Louboutins it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever find them discounted. Same for anything Apple or Aston Martin.

So tip number 1 is, don’t look for a bargain Boudoir Experience because it’s a little like looking for a bargain plastic surgeon. I mean, why would you?

Start by researching local photographers specialising in boudoir photography. Before diving into the search, define your goals and expectations for the boudoir photoshoot. Are you seeking a romantic ambiance, a vintage-inspired aesthetic, or something bold and modern? Clarifying your preferences will guide your selection process. Put in a search term such as ‘Leeds Boudoir Photographers’ and see what comes up. Start from the top and work down. Ignore those websites that seem to offer multiple photography services, such as baby portraits, family photography and weddings. One or two different services are fine but more than that and you’ll need to question if they are really ‘specialists’ in boudoir. The skillset needed in photographing newborn babies are very different to photographing women in lingerie. Remember, you’re looking to improve your chances of having the very best Boudoir Experience. It’s possible that photographers can be multi skilled but a specialist will increase your odds. ( A skilled brain surgeon may well be good at plastic surgery but a specialist cosmetic surgeon is the way to go if you want breast augmentation. )

Now, when you click on a website, ask yourself if it looks and feels ‘professional’. Discard anything that looks ‘home made’ or ‘old fashioned’ - These are normally websites made by studios with little concern for detail and let’s be frank here… Isn’t detail important when it comes to your images? Websites advertising a local corner store can be forgiven for looking a little ‘homemade’ but websites from photographers should be all about great images and how they’re displayed. So, the website feels nice, now click on the ‘portfolio’ section and see if you would like to look like the women in the portfolio. You can’t change a photography style overnight so it’s no use thinking that a photographer will be able to photograph you in a way you’d like if you can’t see examples on the website. What you see will be what you should expect. (At the very least) - If you see lots of women on the website with cellulite don’t imagine for one moment that your cellulite won’t be just as prominent. (Oh, and by the way, the completely ‘natural’ look is becoming more popular at the moment as more and more clients are requesting less photoshop and less obvious ‘editing’ of their pictures. We prefer to erase cellulite using good lighting techniques and posing but every studio is different)

Look for portfolios that resonate with your style and preferences, and read reviews from past clients to gauge their satisfaction.

So the big take home here is that Price is just one small part of overall cost... and if you really want an amazing Boudoir Experience that will empower you with super confidence and make you feel like you’re worth everything your friends and loved ones believe you are, then you must stop thinking like a discount supermarket shopper.

Look through your favourite websites and think like you’re buying a wedding dress.

It’s not about cheap and cheerful, it’s about finding the dress of your life and having it fit you perfectly and making you feel incredible when you walk down the aisle in it.

That is how you should shop for a Boudoir Experience.

Great photographers aren't going to be cheap, and cheap photographers aren't going to be very good.

Price, of course, is always a consideration when finding your photographer, but don't let it be the only factor in making your decision.

Boudoir photography is an indulgence that you may only ever do once in your lifetime, so treat it like something special. You want great results you're going to cherish for years? -You're going to have pay for them. Don't cheap out!

Tip 2: Stay Away From Amateurs

Guess what? Not all Boudoir Photographers are equal. Some are really bad!! In the current economy, with so much unemployment it’s easy to look for work by simply setting up as a photographer after buying a simple digital camera. Everyone has a camera these days so everyone’s a photographer but keep in mind that I could go out and buy an amazing monkey wrench like these but I can absolutely guarantee you that I wouldn’t be any better at mending your sink! A good camera doesn’t make you a good photographer any more than a snazzy car makes you a better driver. Boudoir photography is an attractive job for those wanting to get into photography, but there are only a very small number of people that are super skilled at it and to become skilled at it takes years of experience and practice. Sure, you can let them practice on you but make no mistake, this route is unlikely to end up satisfying your search to feel good about yourself and to feel worthy. A bad boudoir experience will more likely leave you feeling less beautiful than you are. Any self loathing will be magnified and any confidence you were hoping to gain will more than likely be striped from you as fast as your clothing!

A truly bad boudoir experience may damage your personal self esteem more than you could ever imagine.

Instead of saving money by going with an inexperienced photographer you may well end up feeling like it was the most expensive mistake you’ve ever made.

Experience matters in boudoir photography. Look for photographers with a proven track record in capturing stunning and empowering images. Experienced photographers understand how to create a comfortable and supportive environment, ensuring you feel confident throughout the session.

Tip 3: Talk To The Photographer

This is an important step in making sure you're booking the right person for you.

Looking at a website is great- but you really should be taking a few more steps before making a decision. Use this opportunity to discuss your vision, preferences, and any concerns you may have. Use this opportunity to assess the photographer's professionalism, communication style, and compatibility. Ask questions about the photographer's process and pricing, and ensure you feel comfortable and confident working with them.

When choosing a boudoir photographer, prioritise experience and expertise in this specialised genre.

Look for photographers who have a proven track record of capturing stunning boudoir images and who understand how to make their clients feel empowered and confident.

Ask questions. Reach out via email and contact the photographer with any questions you may have- better yet, and what I recommend is pick up the phone and call them! WHAT? you're thinking. You mean you want me to talk to someone? Well, yes. Yes I do. (I know, it’s a little ‘old’ school)

You see, it's probably not something you do every day - by that, I mean taking your clothes off and letting a stranger take photos of you.

It's worth a ten or fifteen minute conversation with your photographer to hear a bit about they way they work, and also, you'll get a sense of them and their personality.

What you don't want is to commit to a session, and on the session day find yourself with someone who maybe isn't the best fit for you.

The results can suffer.

Make that call.

Better yet, if you are considering someone local ask for a meetup.

Meet up at a nearby coffee shop or restaurant and ask the photographer to bring along some sample work. The photographer should be happy to do that...and it's a more common thing than you may think.

You can even take this one step further. Check them out on their social media profiles. Most photographers are active on Instagram, and may have extra content on there not featured on their website, or even behind the scenes type videos, as well, which can give you further insight into working with them.

Tip 4: Consider Location Options

Consider where you'd like the photoshoot to take place. Some photographers offer studio sessions, while others specialise in on-location shoots. Discuss location options with your photographer to determine the setting that best reflects your personality and desired aesthetic. Over the years we have moved from a Studio in Central Leeds to Hazlewood Castle in Tadcaster, which allowed for more variety in terms of location options with a range of sumptous suites and outdoor woodland locations and since last year we have become even more flexible by offering a range of preferred locations all over Yorkshire from modern flats to elegant Hotels and now also offer stay overs after the shoot to improve the client experience further. See some of our preferred locations here - LOCATION OPTIONS.

Also discuss Wardrobe Choices - Your wardrobe can significantly impact the outcome of your boudoir photos. Consult with your photographer on wardrobe choices, lingerie styles, and accessories that complement your body type and personality. Aim for pieces that make you feel confident and empowered. Embrace Body Positivity - Boudoir photography celebrates body positivity and self-love. Make sure you choose a photographer who prioritises inclusivity and embraces diversity in their work. Regardless of your age, size, or shape, don’t you deserve to feel beautiful and confident in front of the camera? Of course you do. (When looking at the photographers’ Portfolio, make sure a wide range of women are included and, importantly, make sure the portfolio includes someone just like you.

Tip 5: Trust Your Instincts

Ultimately, trust your instincts when choosing a boudoir photographer. Select someone who makes you feel comfortable, valued, and excited about the prospect of your photoshoot.

Remember, this is an opportunity to celebrate your beauty and embrace your confidence and above all, remember that boudoir photography is about celebrating your beauty, confidence, and femininity. Embrace the experience with an open heart and a positive mindset. Trust in your photographer's expertise, relax, and enjoy the journey of self-discovery and empowerment.


WHICH OF THESE IS MORE EXPENSIVE? - The answer might surprise you.


Avoid these Boudoir Faux Pas During your Session