Boudoir For Self Esteem


“You have to do it, you owe it to yourself to do this.

If you think, oh well I’ll do it when I’ve lost a bit of weight, NO…Do it now.

You will be amazed at how beautiful you actually are. Seeing yourself through the camera is seeing yourself in a completely different way. You have to do it!”

… Anna

What’s on your Bucket List?

Funny thing about bucket lists. Many of the things we put on our bucket list become impractical or impossible because we’re just too old to do them. Almost all the best things that happen in my life, I wish I’d have done sooner.

Parachute Jumping • Climbing the Himalayas • Petting a Lion. (I nearly did this in South Africa but I got stuck in a queue behind Margaret Thatcher and got lost in the scrum That said, would I have had the nerve to actually pet that Lion? I’m not so sure )

What’s on your bucket list?

Is it all about the Adrenaline rush?

What about experiences that require a little less ‘danger’ but are even greater for the soul?

Exercising more • Spending more quality time with family and friends • Eating more healthily

OK, these may not be as exciting when you write them down on the list but they are certainly life improving in a way that, perhaps, jumping out of a plane potentially is not.

What about including in the list those things which will improve your life and require a little more effort to do?

Learning a new language • Experiencing a Boudoir Photoshoot • Learn how to cook an extravagant dish

Now we’re talking, experiences that can really benefit how you feel about yourself.

You see, after years of putting yourself second to the kids, the husband, the job, the countless things in our lives that we prioritise, there simply is no room left for just you. It’s easy to become a shell of your former self, lost in your day-to-day existence.

Improving the way you feel about yourself can be truly transformative and powerful. A Good Boudoir Experience which allows you to see yourself as a truly beautiful woman has a power that is almost unique and can last as long as the pictures themselves last. Every time you look at the pictures, you’ll be able to fall in love with yourself all over again. This feeling, this extra super power is priceless and part of the reason why our clients save up to enjoy this experience many times.

Like Anna, pictured in this post.

She has been photographed by us 4 times now and you can hear what she thought about the experience below

Anna’s Finished Pictures

After a Boudoir session with Madison Bou, you will be able to get pictures that will last for a lifetime.

All of our products are printed with archival quality inks and papers, so your albums and prints will last and not fade as they would if you were to print images from the High Street or most online printing companies.


Boudoir Lingerie Ideas -Find beauty in Yourself in Nothing but Lingerie


Plus Size or ‘Curvy’ Boudoir